Titre : Hoshin Kanri: Developing and Delivering Peak Service Experiences Through Aligned Organizational Creativity  (en anglais seulement/offert en webdiffusion)

Présentatrice : Karyn Ross, Co-Author «The Toyota Way to Service Excellence: Lean Transformation in Service Organizations»head-shot-3-240x300

Heure : 8h30 à 10h15

Lieu : Salle Procter & Gamble, 1er étage de l’édifice Côte-Sainte-Catherine (HEC Montréal, 3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, H3T 2A7).

Description : 

Having ideas for innovative new service experiences or ways to solve service problems is great. But they are just that. Ideas. In order to deliver the peak service experiences that each customer expects in today’s competitive marketplace, organizations must be able to turn ideas those ideas into reality – quickly and nimbly. As organizations become larger and more decentralized, how can they ensure that new ideas are generated, put into practice and align with what customers – and the business – need to succeed and flourish over the long-term?

In this presentation we’ll discover how creativity, kata and The Toyota Way to Service Excellence perspective on Hoshin Kanri work together to create a culture in which all levels are aligned on delivering the peak service experiences that will delight customers now and in the future.

Suitable for all types of service organizations (including healthcare) and the service portions of manufacturing companies.

  • Pour plus d’informations et contenus, nous vous invitons également à visiter le site web de Mme Karyn Ross: cliquez ici! 
  • Pour vous procurer son plus récent livre, «The Toyota Way to Service Excellence: Lean Transformation in Service Organizations», cliquez ici! 
  • Veuillez notez qu’un kiosque COOP HEC Montréal sera sur place, lors de l’événement, pour assurer la vente du livre.


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