*En anglais seulement!

Date: Vendredi 12 mars, de 10h30 à 12h00

Titre: COVID-19 Hospital Load Optimization

Invitée: KIMIA GHOBADI, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, Johns Hopkins University


The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant strain on the healthcare systems since
its start. As hospitals cope with the unknown demand and surges in the cases, critical
resources like ICU beds have become scarce. Additional beds and field hospitals are
considered to meet the increased demand, but simply expanding the capacity is not viable
for all hospitals. Better utilization of the currently available capacity can improve access
to resources, lower the burden to hospitals and staff, and lead to better patient care. To
this end, we developed mathematical models that match the demand with available
resources in a regional system of hospitals. Our robust mixed-integer linear models
minimize the resource shortage while considering operational constraints and desirable
allocation properties such as transfer sparsity, consistency, and locality. Our models can
consider primary resources (e.g., beds) in addition to complementary resources (e.g.,
nurses). We have tested and validated our models on the first wave of the COVID-19
pandemic and the subsequent surges and are currently in use at the Johns Hopkins Health
System hospitals. We expanded our models to all hospitals in the US and developed an
interactive public website (https://covid-hospital-operations.com/) to help decision- makers on various levels to plan and use their bed resources.


En ligne sur Zoom – Code de réunion : 898 1551 5670 – mot de passe : 909131
Pour infos : martin.cousineau@hec.ca