Titre : Show, wink, lift, hold, push, pull, nudge, nod: connaissances et leviers de changements pour l’amélioration des systèmes de santé

Invité : Dr Jean-Frédéric Lévesque,  Chief executive officer at Bureau of health information of New South Waleson (Australie)

Heure :
 12h00 à 13h15

Lieu : Salon Deloitte situé au 4e étage de l’édifice Côte-Sainte-Catherine (HEC Montréal, 3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, H3T 2A7).

Description :

Four years at BHI – reflections from our Chief Executive

Transitions are good times for reflection. As I am preparing to begin a term as Acting Chief Executive of the Agency for Clinical Innovation, I have reflected on the last four years spent at the Bureau of Health Information.

From a personal perspective, these four years have enabled me to develop new leadership skills, learn about a new healthcare system and grow as a person. It has been a privilege to lead a talented and dedicated team and to catalyse BHI’s journey towards better performance measurement and reporting, and have a stronger impact on how care is delivered in the state. The team has grown and matured, as I have. The interactions with countless numbers of patients, clinicians, managers and people dedicated to improve healthcare have been so valuable.

Pour la suite…


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